Boost Your Health for $199
This general health IV, commonly known as the MYERS COCKTAIL. A versatile health boosters that supports you in so many ways:
Boosting Energy and Performance Recovery
Supporting Digestion
Preventing muscle fatigue
Enhancing Immune Support
Basic anti-oxidant/ anti-aging formula
*Especially good for post-surgical recovery
Ingredients: A full range of B-Vitamins including B12 in its natural form, Methylcobalamin. Vitamin C, Magnesium and Zinc hosted in in 500cc of Lactated Ringers for a splash of electrolytes including Calcium and Potassium.
* Add 1000mg of Glutathione for Free Radical repair Only $65
More Information why B vitamins are so critical to your health:
B vitamins are building blocks in cell growth include red blood cells (they carry oxygen in your body)
they support the nervous system support include brain function and mood
the are utilized in supporting biochemical reactions in your immune system
they assist skin hydration, collagen formation and cell renewal
they help maintain normal Homocysteine levels (this can protect your heart)

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